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Umbrace.Unity.PurePool Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This namespace contains the main object pooling components for Unity.
Public classComponentEvent
Represents an event that has a single Component parameter.
Public classCode exampleComponentPool
A MonoBehaviour component that provides pooling of many instances of a particular Component, allowing the components to be recycled and reused.
Public classCode exampleComponentPoolManager
Manages a collection of ComponentPool components, simplifying access to the pools and allowing for automatic pool creation.
Public classComponentPoolManagerSettings
A container class for the settings that a ComponentPoolManager can have.
Public classComponentPoolSettings
A container class for the settings that a ComponentPool can have.
Public classComponentTypeCollection
Represents a serialisable collection of component types that can be individually accessed by index.
Public classDebugHelper
A static class that provides logging methods that write to the Unity console.
Public classDestroyedEventArgs
Contains event data about the destruction of an object or component.
Public classGameObjectEvent
Represents an event that has a single GameObject parameter.
Public classCode exampleGameObjectPool
A MonoBehaviour component that provides pooling of many instances of a single GameObject, allowing the game objects to be recycled and reused.
Public classCode exampleGameObjectPoolManager
Manages a collection of GameObjectPool components, simplifying access to the pools and allowing for automatic pool creation.
Public classGameObjectPoolManagerSettings
A container class for the settings that a GameObjectPoolManager can have.
Public classGameObjectPoolSettings
A container class for the settings that a GameObjectPool can have.
Public classGenericObjectPoolT
A generic implementation of an object pool, that allows for recycling and reuse of objects of type T.
Public classCode exampleNamedGameObjectPoolManager
Provides named access to the pools of a GameObjectPoolManager.
Public classPoolableAudioSource
A component that allows pooling of multiple associated AudioSource components.
Public classPoolableComponent
A component that will automatically be attached to an instance of a pooled object, to provide notifications when the object is acquired from, or released to, the pool.
Public classPoolableGameObject
A component that will automatically be attached to an instance of a pooled object, to provide notifications when the object is acquired from, or released to, the pool.
Public classPoolableMonoBehaviour
A component that allows pooling of multiple associated MonoBehaviour components.
Public classPoolableObjectT
A component that will automatically be attached to an instance of a pooled object, to provide notifications when the object is acquired from, or released to, the pool.
Public classPoolableParticleSystem
A component that allows pooling of multiple associated ParticleSystem components.
Public classPoolableRigidbody
A component that allows pooling of multiple associated Rigidbody components.
Public classPoolBaseTSource, TInstance, TSettings
An abstract MonoBehaviour component that provides shared functionality for the pooling of many instances of a type, allowing the instances to be recycled and reused.
Public classPoolCanAcquireChangedEventArgs
Contains data for object pooling events.
Public classPoolCountChangedEventArgs
Contains data for object pooling events.
Public classPoolEventArgsTPool
Contains event data for events involving an IPoolBase.
Public classPoolManagerBaseTManagerSettings, TPool, TPoolSettings, TSource, TInstance
An abstract class that provides shared functionality to manage a collection of PoolBaseTSource, TInstance, TSettings components, simplifying access to the pools and allowing for automatic pool creation.
Public classPoolManagerSettingsTPoolSettings, TSource
Public classPoolObjectAcquiredEventArgsT
Contains data for object pooling events.
Public classPoolObjectEventArgsT
Contains data for object pooling events.
Public classPoolObjectReleasedEventArgsT
Contains data for object pooling events.
Public classPoolStatistics
Contains general operational statistics about an object pool.
Public classCode exampleSerialisableComponentPool
A serialisable object pool for a Component, where the component type is not known at compile time.
Public classCode exampleSerialisableGameObjectPool
A serialisable object pool for GameObject-type objects.
Public classCode exampleSerialisableGenericComponentPoolT
A generic, serialisable object pool for a Component, where the component type is known at compile time.
Public classSerialisableObjectPoolT
A serialisable, generic implementation of an object pool, that allows for recycling and reuse of objects of type T.
Public classSerialisableType
A serialisable class that represents a Type.
Public classSharedPoolSettingsTSource
A container class for the shared settings that a GameObjectPool and a ComponentPool can have.
Public classTypeHelper
A static class that provides utility methods for working with Component types.
Public structureTimeInstant
Represents a single captured instant in time.
Public interfaceIComponentPoolSettings
An interface that defines the settings that can be changed on a Component pool.
Public interfaceIGameObjectPoolSettings
An interface that defines the settings that can be changed on a GameObject pool.
Public interfaceIObjectPool
Defines an interface for the pooling and recycling of objects.
Public interfaceIObjectPoolT
Defines an interface for the pooling and recycling of objects of type T.
Public interfaceIPoolable
Defines an interface for objects that can be maintained by an object pool.
Public interfaceIPoolBase
An interface that defines the behaviour and properties of a serialisable object pool.
Public interfaceISharedPoolSettings
An interface that defines the shared settings that can be changed on a GameObject pool and a Component pool.
Public interfaceISharedPoolSettingsTSource
An interface that defines the shared settings that can be changed on a GameObject pool and a Component pool.
Public enumerationAcquireNoPoolMode
Specifies the way in which GameObjectPoolManager responds to attempts to acquire an object for which no pool exists.
Public enumerationLogLevel
Specifies the level of log messaging to output.
Public enumerationNotificationMode
Specifies the ways in which pooling notifications can be sent to MonoBehaviour components.