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Contract Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Contains static methods for representing program contracts such as preconditions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Umbrace.Unity.Contracts
Assembly:  Umbrace.Unity.PurePool (in Umbrace.Unity.PurePool.dll) Version: (
public static class Contract

The Contract type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberRequires(Boolean, String)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresTException(Boolean, String, String)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and throws an exception with the provided message if the condition for the contract fails.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresMessage(Boolean, FuncString, String)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and displays a message if the condition for the contract fails.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresMessage(Boolean, String, String)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and displays a message if the condition for the contract fails.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresMessage(Boolean, FuncString, String, String, String)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and displays a message if the condition for the contract fails.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresMessage(Boolean, FuncString, String, String, String, String, String)
Specifies a precondition contract for the enclosing method or property, and displays a message if the condition for the contract fails.
Public methodStatic memberRequiresNotNullT
Specifies a non-null precondition contract for the enclosing method or property.
See Also